Chapter Forms
The due date and eligible modes of transmission for each form are provided.
Initiation Form
Send by mail or email
Due three weeks before initiation
Chapter Plan
Enter and submit web form
Due November 15
Annual Report
Enter and submit web form
Due April 15
Outstanding Chapter Report
Send by email
Due April 15
Scholarship Application
Send by email
Due November 15th
APM Scholarship Flyer
For Chapter use
IRS Tax Filing Procedure
Submit online to the IRS
Instructions for filing
Due April 15
For Chapter use
National Documents
The Ritual of Alpha Pi Mu is not available as a public document. If your chapter needs an up-to-date copy of the Ritual of Alpha Pi Mu, please contact the National Office. The Ritual of Alpha Pi Mu was last updated in January 2020.
Virtual Ceremony
**Because of COVID-19, the Executive Council has approved a Virtual Ceremony for initiating new members during this time. A big thanks goes to Durward Sobek, Montana State University’s APM Faculty Advisor! We appreciate his work in editing and revision the ceremony to work well for a virtual ceremony. If you would like a copy of the virtual ceremony, please contact us at the email below.
The National Office address is:
Alpha Pi Mu National Office
1309 Panorama Circle
Salem, VA 24153
Office Phone: 540-553-2043
Email: office@alphapimu.com
Scholarships and Awards
2022-2023 Scholarship Award Recipients
Jessica Creech, University of Arkansas — John L. Imhoff
Althea Miquel, Rutgers University — Paul E. Givens
Emanuel Meshoyrer, Rutgers University — Wolter J. Fabrycky
Alec Owen, Ohio State — S. Balachandran
Amber Clauss, Virginia Tech — Robert D. Dryden
2022–2023 APM Scholarship Award Recipients
Rongeuan Wang– Virginia Tech
Anna Chen — University of Tennessee
Theresa Mull — Virginia Tech
Dongyoung Choi — Penn State
Valerie Jackson — University of Arkansas
Tate Hasenclever — University of Arkansas
2022-2023 Outstanding Chapter Awards
1st Virginia Tech
2nd University of Puerto Rico
3rd Purdue University
4th University of Arkansas
5th Texas A & M
Honor Stoles
Kalamazoo Regalia & Sportswear is the official distributor of the Graduation Honor Stoles for Alpha Pi Mu. The stoles are available in inventory for prompt shipment and may be purchased on the website, by telephone or mail. The price of each stole is $25.00 plus shipping.
Website: Kalamazoo Regalia & Sportswear
Telephone: (888) 344 – 4299
Address: Kalamazoo Regalia & Sportswear
728 W. Michigan Avenue
Kalamazoo, MI 49007